Thursday, March 31, 2011

Moon Activities

by guest bloggers Mom and Kiddo from What Do We Do All Day?
I'm not sure why I spent so much time making this moon puzzle when I have so many other things to do but, as my mother says, "I got a bee in my bonnet."
I made it on poster board and used white and black card stock for the moon phases. I included "control of error" (as the Montessorians say) in ordering the names of phases by cutting the end of each as puzzle pieces. However, there is no inherent control of error with the moons themselves. You would have to provide a separate chart, or look in a book. You can see that Kiddo is making an error here. (Also I messed up with the Waxing Gibbous Moon and we had to fix it!)I hope, since it took me so long to make this, that he wants to do it again!

We also printed out these moon phase three part cards. I don't think they are fantastic, and again, you have to provide your own control of error for the order of the phases.
Other things we've done with the moon are here.

Extra Credit Reading:
Moon (Jump into Science)
The Moon Ring

1 comment:

  1. Crossway has a great little picture book called Fool Moon Rising that works in a little bible lesson about reflecting God's glory as well as some moon info.
