Monday, August 23, 2010

Middle ages art project: Make a coat of arms and/or shield

I've discovered some great hands-on educational activities at I've melded a couple of ideas for a medieval-themed art project this week:

1. Ideally, a coat of arms will express your child and the things that are important to him or her, so take a few minutes to brainstorm. Explain that a shield identified knights in battle. The lion was the first symbol to appear on a shield. (Got that from this link that I posted last week, with lots of other medieval activities.)

2. Have your child design his/her own coat of arms. Here's an online program that will help, and it's so easy to pick from all of their different symbols.

3. Grab a sheet of foil and wooden stylus to emboss the design onto a sheet of foil, like in this project. If you'd like, it can be pasted onto a cardboard shield.

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