Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Crazy enough, on Saturday one of my friends gave me two plantains.  You know the banana looking things that turn black in the produce section?  

Yesterday John Isaac came home from Comm. Central talking about watching a video in Spanish class about cooking plantains.  Ye 'ole Internet gave me a recipe similar to the one John Isaac described.   From what I read, if you want plantains to be sweet - buy them looking black.  If you're going to eat them savory, buy them green or yellow. 
The first recipe we used the yellow plantain for our "dessert."  We love desserts!  
Chop plantain in one inch sections and fry on medium-high heat for a few minutes on each side.  I fried in lard but coconut oil would be yummy too.
Drain on paper towels (or napkins, if like us, you run out of paper towels.)  Then squish with a glass.
Soak in 2 cups hot water with 2 teaspoons of salt for one minute.
Fry again on both sides.

Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.  Very yummy, indeed!  John Isaac said they taste sort of like apples and I agreed.
To make plantains savory, slice as thin as possible.
Fry for a few minutes on each side.
Sprinkle with sea salt.

Yummy yummy YUMMY!  These are better than chips. 

When we lived in Phoenix, we would buy these from Trader Joe's in a bag.  I'm glad to know that I can make my own!

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