Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Flash Cards for Memory Work

I made the following flash cards for memory work and laminated them so that my second grader could work independently.  Kristen Burdette introduced me to the fancy clips last year.  I bought a pack of 12 at Mardel for $2.  I'm sure they're cheaper elsewhere but I was there and didn't want to stop again.

Bible verses for the year

Midnight Ride of Paul Revere (one sheet not flash cards but still laminated it)

Henry speech, Declaration of Ind., Preamble to Constitution (one sheet)

My goal is to also make flash cards for the greek/latin words...someday.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your flashcards! Your sheets will help make a good idea easy to execute. Thanks! -Melody Mattson
